
Higher education not only has the responsibility of forming citizens and professionals, through the development of skills that contribute to the construction of democratic societies; but also to promote and guarantee adequate training to meet the needs and demands of a convulsed society. It is evident that concepts of relevance and social responsibility have evolved in recent times. In this context, the objective of the research was: To identify the importance of Relevance and Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions – IES; with the intention of adopting competencies that allow improving the educational processes that are developed in the Ecuadorian university of the XXI century. The methods that allowed the fulfillment of the research were from a documentary design, associated with the hermeneutic method, through a review and interpretation of texts; as books, articles sources of primary character. The conclusion, the relevance of education, although it must approach social issues and needs to generate innovation and problem solving in each area where it is required, must contemplate critical thinking, which promulgates a receptivity of the legal and regulatory context, and a responsibility with the social and economic development of the country. For this reason, it is essential that there be a development of the curriculum in higher education, in accordance with educational policies that allow meeting the needs and demands of society; This reality will determine guidelines for the Government to promote changes that generate social responsibility and development.

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