
 From what has been explained above, it can be concluded that the recipient is responsible for the damage that occurred in the Indonesian diplomatic representative building that occurred in Yemen due to the impact of the bomb launched by the Saudi Arabian state on April 20, 2015 which resulted in damage the Indonesian Embassy building in Yemen, but apart from that the diplomatic representative building has been protected under articles 22, 29, 30 and 31 of the Wina Conference in 1961, there is also state responsibility or responsibility of states governing what has happened in the country of Yemen in articles 12 and 13.


  • Konvensi Wina 1961 yang di selenggarakan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa merupakan konvensi terpenting sampai saat ini sebab membahas secara luas kekebalan-kekebalan dan hak-hak istimewa diplomatik sebagaimana dilaksanakan

  • it can be concluded that the recipient is responsible for the damage

  • that occurred in the Indonesian diplomatic representative building

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Konvensi Wina 1961 yang di selenggarakan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa merupakan konvensi terpenting sampai saat ini sebab membahas secara luas kekebalan-kekebalan dan hak-hak istimewa diplomatik sebagaimana dilaksanakan. Di dalam Hukum Internasional selain terdapat Subjek Internasional terdapat pula Pertanggung Jawaban Negara terutama terhadap Perwakilan Diplomatik yang di atur di dalam Konvensi Wina 1961 dan ILC 2001 Resposibillity of State. Dapat pula dipakai sebagai pedoman praktis dalam pemberian kekebalan-kekebalan dan hak-hak keistiwaan diplomatik.

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