
Introduction / Main Objective : This study aims to reveal the existence of community conceptions related to profit sharing (Sharia economics), usury, bank interest (conventional), in terms of Islamic economics, where these 3 (three) things are unique and interesting if we discuss in the era of disruption like today. Background: The era of discipline 4.0 as it is now is very interesting and unique regarding the study of the prohibition of usury in Indonesia, what is unique is the Khilafiyah which is the basis for especially Muslims (sharia economic actors), the need for tolerance between the views of schools of thought in Indonesia regarding this usury in sharia economics (muamalah) in order to benefit together in this world and in the hereafter. Research Methods: This study uses the Library Research Method and collects data obtained by means of literature studies from books and journals relevant to studies on usury and bank interest (conventional), profit sharing (Islamic economics).Novelty: Related to research on the perspective of Islamic economics in the current era of disruption, especially in Indonesia regarding usury, and bank interest (conventional), as well as profit sharing (Islamic economics) so far no one has examined it.Findings: from a sharia economic point of view related to profit sharing, usury and also bank interest have a good impact on the economy in Indonesia, where the profit sharing system can help people in terms of social resilience, and overcome social inequalities (making tahsin / benefit of the ummah).Conclusion: The public, in their view of usury, bank interest and profit sharing within the Islamic economic community, requires tolerance in punishing these three things, as a result there is no "bank interest" in the Shariāh economic sphere (replaced by profit sharing), which is currently being shared. this outcome (Islamic economics) is seen as an effective measure to prevent conflict in gaps in dealing with impacts on the Economy and Social Affairs, as well as resilience to the community environment.


  • ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengungkap adanya konsepsi masyarakat terkait bagi hasil, riba, bunga bank, ditinjau dari ekonomi syariah, dimana 3 hal ini unik dan menarik jika kita bahas di era disrupsi seperti sekarang ini disurpsi 4.0

  • This study aims to reveal the existence of community conceptions related to profit sharing (Sharia economics), usury, bank interest (conventional), in terms of Islamic economics, where these 3 (three) things are unique and interesting if we discuss in the era of disruption like today

  • Sehingga di kalangan Masyarakat dalam cara pandangannya terkait riba, bunga bank dan juga bagi hasil ini dalam lingkup masyarakat ekonomi syariah memerlukan toleransi dalam menghukumi ketiga hal tersebut, alhasil “bunga bank”dalam lingkup ekonomi Syariāh tidak ada (diganti dengan bagi hasil), dimana dewasa ini bagi hasil ini (ekonomi Syariah) dipandang sebagai langkah efektif dalam rangka mencegah konflik kesenjangan dalam menangani dampak pada Ekonomi dan Sosial, serta ketahanan pada lingkungan masyarakat

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengungkap adanya konsepsi masyarakat terkait bagi hasil (ekonomi Syariah), riba, bunga bank (konvensional), ditinjau dari ekonomi syariah, dimana 3 (tiga) hal ini unik dan menarik jika kita bahas di era disrupsi seperti sekarang ini disurpsi 4.0.

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