
Abstract This study aims to consider the social nature of public policies that link education and work in a Brazilian society context, analysing the job formation policies implemented by Municipal, State and Federal Government. We seek to understand the assumptions that guide the implementation of these policies, and the reflection of such proposals in the search for a marketing job. We also discuss the concepts of labour, employment and underemployment and the youth formation's perspectives in contemporary society, because, although the principles of these programs shows that they are considered critical and emancipatory many times they aren’t really worried to offer a good formation for the youth. The analyses are conducted based on the contributions of Marx, Adorno, Gramsci and Hoffman. The methodology used to critically analyse the theoretical frameworks reference thematic and documentary research in terms of the proposals under consideration here. Through this study it was possible to understand that, although such policies exist for the inclusion of young people in the context of the labour market of a contemporary capitalist society, and that it depicts in its proposals the intention to provide a critical and reflective training focus on the development of potential subjects and their insertion in the labor market, its biggest impact lies in technical training guided by principles that ensure greater access to the underemployed than actually providing an integral development of individuals and their effective social inclusion.

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