
Poultry breeding is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in many countries of the world, including Ukraine. Currently, Ukraine ranks 8th in terms of production of eggs and broilers in the world. A sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins in the diet is the key to good production of poultry products. Feeding feed deficient in vitamins and minerals can cause numerous health problems in chickens, including death in some cases. The poultry farmer must monitor the health of the chickens every day. Therefore, the development of the practice of feeding a balanced diet with the necessary amount of minerals to prevent premature disease of poultry caused by nutrient deficiency is relevant today. In poultry farming, mineral substances are used as one of the ways to increase metabolism in birds. Mineral substances are part of the molecules of complex organic structures that participate in metabolic processes, including digestion, thereby improving the assimilation and use of feed nutrients. The lack of microelements in feed causes diseases of the joints of the limbs of poultry, a decrease in its productivity, and a deterioration in the quality of eggshells. Zinc, copper, manganese, iron, iodine, selenium, cobalt are important trace elements in the feed of broiler chickens. Therefore, the effectiveness of the use of trace elements is an actual topic of modern poultry feeding. Mineral substances are useful in poultry farming, as they provide prevention of various diseases. Organic minerals in small amounts can be added to the diet of birds, because minerals are better absorbed by the bird than mineral salts. Demand for alternative natural feed additives with mineral content is important, especially as an alternative to antibiotics. They can have a preventive effect against various diseases, participate in numerous physical and biochemical mechanisms and basic processes of growth and development. However, further large-scale research is needed for the further use of macro- and micronutrients in commercial poultry farming.

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