
The article considers personalized control as the basis for an individual development trajectory, an individual plan for improving foreign language communication skills. The tool for its implementation is individual success monitoring in foreign language learning followed by the analysis of test results with the participation of the teacher as a consultant, which makes it possible to identify the ways of overcoming existing problems in mastering a foreign language. The article analyzes the results of monitoring, conducted among students at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication (Kazan Federal University), and concludes that further work should be done to determine the individual path of each student in eradicating their weak points. The decision-making remains with the students themselves; however, additional courses in the development of receptive skills may become a motivating factor, when the period of pseudo-passivity actually lays the foundation for improving communicative competence through the involuntary acquisition of foreign language vocabulary and grammar. Success in listening or reading comprehension, based on authentic texts, inspires confidence in further improvement of communicative competence and allows, through self-analysis and self-assessment, determining guidelines for each student’s progress in learning a foreign language.

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