
In this paper, we present a personalized deep learning approach to estimate blood pressure (BP) using the photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal. We propose a hybrid neural network architecture consisting of convolutional, recurrent, and fully connected layers that operates directly on the raw PPG time series and provides BP estimation every 5 seconds. To address the problem of limited personal PPG and BP data for individuals, we propose a transfer learning technique that personalizes specific layers of a network pre-trained with abundant data from other patients. We use the MIMIC III database which contains PPG and continuous BP data measured invasively via an arterial catheter to develop and analyze our approach. Our transfer learning technique, namely BP-CRNN-Transfer, achieves a mean absolute error (MAE) of 3.52 and 2.20 mmHg for SBP and DBP estimation, respectively, outperforming existing methods. Our approach satisfies both the BHS and AAMI blood pressure measurement standards for SBP and DBP. Moreover, our results demonstrate that as little as 50 data samples per person are required to train accurate personalized models. We carry out Bland-Altman and correlation analysis to compare our method to the invasive arterial catheter, which is the gold-standard BP measurement method.

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