
One of the major aspects of sustainable education is personality type and the hierarchy of motives in the teacher's professional activity motivation. If the motives related to satisfying basic needs play the major role in the teacher's professional development, the personality type remains an unfulfilled potential.The participants in the research were primary school teachers and primary and basic school sports teachers. C. Zamfir's Work Motivation Inventory (WMI) has been used to study the hierarchy of motives in the teacher's professional activity motivation structure; N. Obozov's inventory “Determining Personality Type” (DPT) has been used to identify the teacher's personality type.The motives related to satisfying basic needs play the major role in the teacher's motivation structure. No statistically significant correlation between personality type and professional activity motivation has been detected. The necessity to satisfy meta-needs related to professional growth and self-realisation motives is being actualised only on condition basic needs are satisfied.

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