
Many studies in the field of family psychology turn their attention to various aspects: satisfaction with marriage, appearance of children, crises in the development of family. The development of marital relations is a significant factor affecting the interaction between spouses and their personal qualities. The issues of changing the spouses' perceptions of the family environment in connection with the length of marriage and gender role poses remain relevant. In a sample of 101 pairs of spouses with experience less and more than ten years were studied: extroversion, neuroticism and family environment characteristics. T-test, analysis of variance, and correlation were used. As a result, it was found that spouses with different lengths of family life differ in all respects of the family environment. Young spouses strive for self-realization in various spheres of life and the establishment of rules and norms of family interaction. As the length of marriage increases, the family environment becomes essential for husbands, while for wives, it brings the possibility of manifesting themselves in other areas of life. Differences in personality traits coincide with general age-related tendencies; this is how women's emotionality decreases and men's emotionality increases as a result of the joint family environment.

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