
The article analyzes the the transformations that are taking place in modern Ukrainian society in relation to the family in the legal, ideological and, most of all, axiological discourse. It has been shown that, despite the rapid changes, Ukrainian youth, in general, retains traditional family values based on eternal, universal principles.
 It was first noted that the socio-psychological mechanism of the transformation, first of all, is determined by re-engagement in the value sphere. The influential tendencies of the postmodern world put forward on the highest level of values pyramid the unlimited personal freedom and satisfaction, in contradiction to the care of the other and concern for the corporate good. This changed in the family discourse was considered as a way for satisfying personal communication needs, providing material and sexual needs, and so on. In case of traditional values, which are based on the biblical values, care is taken about others, as family members or neighbors, thus teaching each other to care for the whole society. A traditional family usually involves long-term relationships that are formed on mutual love and care in the public space.
 The author observes that the return to the traditional family values, in which the personal freedom of one submits to the care of another, forms a relationship of love, trust and security. Thus, caring for everyone, which is a key family value, is an best way of improving the demographic and economic situation in our country.

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