
Technological developments in Indonesia are increasing along with people's access to social media. Social media is an internet-based application and users can share information, interact with many people, express themselves and create content easily, including social networks, blogs, and so on. TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media nowadays. It is a lifestyle platform and an entertainment platform so that users or content creators can express and channel their talents by utilizing creativity according to the image and image they want to form. With the use of TikTok social media, content creator Andre Hendarto builds an image through his uploads to his TikTok account @bobacott so that his followers will see it and become the judgment of the people who see the post. Seeing this phenomenon, the researcher chose the title of the thesis "Personal Branding Content Creator Andre Hendarto on TikTok". This research aims to find out the form of personal branding content creator Andre Hendarto on TikTok. This study uses a qualitative approach using 8 concepts of personal branding according to Peter Montoya in Haroen, namely specialization, leadership, personality, difference, visible, unity, firmness, and good name. The results show that content creator Andre Hendarto has consistently fulfilled 8 concepts of personal branding through social media TikTok @bobacott. The results showed that the form of personal branding that Andre Hendarto built was a form of personal branding that was humorous, and natural or as it was without any coercive elements.

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