
The article gives the personal characteristics of the heads of local executive bodies of the North Kazakhstan region. The analysis of the relationship between training at refresher courses and advanced training seminars and the career growth of administrative civil servants, and their professional competencies enhancement was carried out. The results of this analysis revealed the gender dimension of this relationship and made it possible to draw conclusions about the greater interest of male civil servants in career growth than female civil servants. The scientific research aims to develop new approaches to developing the personal and professional potential of the heads of local executive bodies - akims of rural districts. The study used information provided freely on the website of the akimat of the North Kazakhstan region, as well as materials for the test, written and oral surveys of students of the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the North Kazakhstan region. The work used empirical research methods, such as observation, and comparison, in addition, statistical, factor and comparative analysis were used. The study results can be used in further scientific developments in writing a monograph. The study results were partially discussed at the international scientific and practical conference. In conclusion, new approaches were proposed to develop the personal and professional potential of the heads of local executive bodies - akims of rural districts.

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