
Women work in public sector these days growing progressively along of awareness of women’s rights. This condition influence the growth of service activities problem provided by government. One of them is transportation area, a public space that can be exploited by all society elements without limited factor include gender. Space usage by various elements of society from various cultural background cause usage conflict of space. Jombor Bus Station perception of feeling save of women activity in public space of Jombor Bus Station that has strategic position in Yogyakarta and complex problems of usage conflict of public space, has been selected as location for the research of perception of feeling save of women activity in public space of Jombor Bus Station. Problems of this research is as following 1. What is perception of feeling safe and comfort for woman activity in public space in Jombor Bus Station? and 2. How the perception can influence to public space arrangement in Jombor Bus Station? The focus of the research is feeling save and comfort of women activity in public space of Jombor Bus Station. Aspects perceived relate to feeling safe are a. psychologically: peacefully, fearly, worry, and visually protected and b. physically: safety and security. Aspects perceived relate to feeling comfort, that is: a. audiolly, thermally, pollution, smelly, and b. relate to space controlling that is personal of space, privacy, territoriality, and density. The population in this research is women conducting activity in public space. Method of research subject selection is purposive sampling. This qualitative research conducting analyze inductively. Inductive process can elaborate background fully and can sharpen the existence of relations. Result of this research as following: Public space in Jombor Bus Station is not safe and comforts enough for women activity in public area in selected times. This perception cause new space usage that give new usage pattern of public space in Jombor Bus Station, called inappropriate area of bus station. keyword : comfortable, security, Jombor station, and woman.

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