
3D work is a term synonymous with dirty, dangerous, and difficult jobs such as those in the fields of manufacturing, construction, agriculture, mining, and so on. A few people are less interested in entering this field because of the high risk and danger to the workers, in addition to the fact that the wages are not commensurate with the work conditions. To meet the needs of this study, three questions are used: the level of knowledge, the level of existing skills, and the level of awareness of female students related to this 3D job. This study is quantitative in nature, using a questionnaire as a research instrument and distributing it to a total of 175 respondents for fourth and fifth-grade students as a sample. This study was conducted to examine the perception of female secondary school students in Johor Bahru of 3D (dirty, dangerous, and difficult) jobs. The results of the knowledge level of female students in 3D jobs and the level of existing skills of female students in 3D jobs show a medium mean value. While the level of awareness of female students in 3D jobs shows a high mean value.

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