
This paper considers the occurrence of entrapment, invasion and phobic functioning ‘in’ and ‘out’(side) the consulting room as well as states of mind connected with safety and survival. Patient and therapist set sail on a troubled analytic journey beset by dangerous, terrifying mother imagoes, a mafia gang and a watchful life‐saving ally. It is an epic journey into the unknown that involves inter alia thrills, braving the elements and the antagonistic forces of Thanatos and Eros. ‘No one dies and no one is hurt’, but emotional storms are created in media res. The patient then takes many flights. Firstly, into the place of her worst ‘nightmare’ and secondly, into action and inaction. In reality, a truly secure space and object cannot be found – only a feeling of captivity and disintegration remains. The use and function of potent and evocative objects may be significant for the patient in terms of safeguarding against re‐experiencing primitive disasters, while achieving (a retroactive) control and mastery over the original trauma and helplessness. The author navigates a wide range of psychoanalytic theory, finding correspondence between classical and contemporary psychoanalytic traditions.

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