
Two isoforms of the peroxisomal targeting signal type 1 (PTS1) receptor, termed Pex5pS and (37-amino-acid-longer) Pex5pL, are expressed in mammals. Pex5pL transports PTS1 proteins and Pex7p-PTS2 cargo complexes to the initial Pex5p-docking site, Pex14p, on peroxisome membranes, while Pex5pS translocates only PTS1 cargoes. Here we report functional Pex5p domains responsible for interaction with peroxins Pex7p, Pex13p, and Pex14p. An N-terminal half, such as Pex5pL(1-243), comprising amino acid residues 1 to 243, bound to Pex7p, Pex13p, and Pex14p and was sufficient for restoring the impaired PTS2 import of pex5 cell mutants, while the C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat motifs were required for PTS1 binding. N-terminal Pex5p possessed multiple Pex14p-binding sites. Alanine-scanning analysis of the highly conserved seven (six in Pex5pS) pentapeptide WXXXF/Y motifs residing at the N-terminal region indicated that these motifs were essential for the interaction of Pex5p with Pex14p and Pex13p. Moreover, mutation of several WXXXF/Y motifs did not affect the PTS import-restoring activity of Pex5p, implying that the binding of Pex14p to all of the WXXXF/Y sites was not a prerequisite for the translocation of Pex5p-cargo complexes. Pex5p bound to Pex13p at the N-terminal part, not to the C-terminal SH3 region, via WXXXF/Y motifs 2 to 4. PTS1 and PTS2 import required the interaction of Pex5p with Pex14p but not with Pex13p, while Pex5p binding to Pex13p was essential for import of catalase with PTS1-like signal KANL. Pex5p recruited PTS1 proteins to Pex14p but not to Pex13p. Pex14p and Pex13p formed a complex with PTS1-loaded Pex5p but dissociated in the presence of cargo-unloaded Pex5p, implying that PTS cargoes are released from Pex5p at a step downstream of Pex14p and upstream of Pex13p. Thus, Pex14p and Pex13p very likely form mutually and temporally distinct subcomplexes involved in peroxisomal matrix protein import.

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