
Molecular charge doping involves the formation of donor-acceptor charge-transfer complexes (CTCs) through integer or partial electron transfer; understanding how local chemical environment impacts complexation is important for controlling the properties of organic materials. We present steady-state and temperature-dependent spectroscopic investigations of the p-dopant 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ) complexed with the electron donor and hole transport material N,N'-diphenyl-N,N'-di-p-tolylbenzene-1,4-diamine (MPDA). Equilibrium formation constants (KCT) were determined for donor-acceptor pairs dissolved in a series of solvents covering a range of values of permittivity. A threshold for highly favorable complex formation was observed to occur at ϵ ∼ 8-9, with large (>104) and small (<103) values of KCT obtained in solvents of higher and lower permittivity, respectively, but with chloroform (ϵ = 4.81) exhibiting an anomalously high formation constant. Temperature-dependent formation constants were determined in order to evaluate the thermodynamics of complex formation. In 1,2-dichloroethane (ϵ = 10.36) and chlorobenzene (ϵ = 5.62), complex formation is both enthalpically and entropically favorable, with higher enthalpic and entropic stabilization in the solvent with higher permittivity. Complexation in chloroform is exothermic and entropically disfavored, indicating that specific, inner-shell solvent-solute interactions stabilize the charge-separated complex and result in a net increase in local solution structure. Our results provide insight into how modification to the chemical environment may be utilized to support stable integer charge transfer for molecular doping applications and requiring only modest changes in local permittivity.

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