
The relative permittivity of diesel fossil fuel and blends with biodiesel from soybean, in the full range from pure diesel to 100% biodiesel, was determined at temperatures between 298.0Kand 333.0K(controlled within ±0.1K), using an airtight cell. Measurements were made in the frequency range from 1kHzto 100kHz; this frequency range is suitable for the use of low-cost, portable equipment and also for the development of automotive sensors. The relative uncertainty of the measurements was below 1%.Experimental values of permittivity were satisfactorily fitted to a simple model as a function of temperature and composition. The RMS uncertainty of the fitting was 1.2%. The model parameters were determined from experimental results and verified by multiple regression analysis, with very good agreement.In addition, a model was proposed to estimate the composition of diesel/biodiesel blends from permittivity and temperature measurements. The parameters of the model were obtained by a multiple regression analysis; the RMS uncertainty of the composition estimation was below 2.5%.The results presented in this work describe accurately the dependence of the permittivity of diesel fuel with temperature and also validate and extend previously reported models for biodiesel-rich blends with diesel fossil fuel, allowing the estimation in the full composition range with good accuracy.

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