
Mempawah Mangrove Park (MMP) is an ecotourism in West Kalimantan, especially in Mempawah Regency. MMP besides a tourist attraction is also an area of research and education. Visitors tend to increase every year starting from August 23 2016 – April 27 2017 visitors come from local communities of Mempawah Regency and from outside Mempawah Regency such as Pontianak City, Singkawang City and Kubu Raya. Factors that influence the demand for MMP Mangrove nature tourism consumers are attractiveness, travel costs, time, and income. The research aims to measure the demand of consumers of Mempawah District MMP natural tourism services, and examine the factors that influence the demand for consumers of MMP natural tourism services. The sample used in this study were 45 respondents who visited MMP using the Accidental Sampling method. The analytical method in this study is descriptive analysis, basic assumption test, classic test, and multiple linear analysis. Descriptive analysis result of the demand consumers of MMP natural tourism services indicate that consumer demand is said to be high. The results of 45 respondents in this study were 22 respondents (48.89%) visited 3 times in the last 1 year. The results of the study used the basic assumption test, classic assumption test and multiple linear regression. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that attraction variables have a positive and significant effect on the demand of consumers of MMP natural tourism services. Travel and time cost variables show a negative and insignificant influence on the demand of consumers of MMP natural tourism services because most of the visitors are local people of Mempawah Regency who do not require a high enough travel cost and a long time. The income variable shows a negative and significant effect on the demand of consumers of MMP natural tourism services. This happens to income still in the low category because most MMP visitors are status young as students who do not have a steady income.Keywords: Attractiveness, Consumer Demand, Income, MMP, Time and Travel Cost.


  • Wisata alam adalah suatu ikut serta menikmati keuntungan kegiatan bentuk kegiatan pariwisata yang wisata tersebut melalui pengembangan memanfaatkan keaslian lingkungan alam, potensi-potensi lokal yang dimiliki dimana terjadi interaksi antara lingkungan (Suzana, et al, 2011)

  • Factors that influence the demand for Mempawah Mangrove Park (MMP) Mangrove nature tourism consumers are attractiveness, travel costs, time, and income

  • The research aims to measure the demand of consumers of Mempawah District MMP natural tourism services, and examine the factors that influence the demand for consumers of MMP natural tourism services

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Dari orang yang melakukan perjalanan untuk menggunakan fasilitas dan pelayanan wisata di tempat yang jauh dari tempat tinggal dan tempat kerja (Indra, 2009). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur permintaan konsumen jasa lingkungan wisata alam MMP Kabupaten. Dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan konsumen jasa lingkungan wisata alam MMP Kabupaten Mempawah. Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah permintaan konsumen jasa lingkungan wisata alam MMP (Y). Variabel bebas yaitu daya tarik objek wisata alam MMP (X1),variabel ini diukur menggunakan skala Likert, biaya perjalanan ke rekreasi wisata MMP (X2), waktu perjalanan (X3), pendapatan individu (X4). Permintaan konsumen terhadap jasa lingkungan wisata alam MMP maka diambil sampel penelitian yang berasal dari pengunjung (wisatawan) wisata alam MMP dan dilakukan dengan metode Accidental Sampling. Karakteristik responden MMP yaitu multikolinearitas dalam model regresi mayoritas berpendidikan tingkat SMA dapat dilihat dari nilai toleransi dan nilai (53.40 %) seperti tabel 1. Identitas Responden Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan (Identity of Respondents by Education Level)

Luar Kalimantan Barat
Singkawang dan Kabupaten Sambas
Frekuensi No Kategori Daya Tarik
Tidak menarik
Uji Asumsi Klasik menunjukkan model regresi tidak
Hasil analisis determinasi pada
Nilai t hitung daya tarik positif
Hasil penilaian persepsi masyarakat terhadap daya tarik objek wisata alam
Wisata Taman Nasional
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