
The use of rattan plants in each region is different both in terms of species and uses, as well as the form of craft products produced with various motifs and designs. This research aims to describe the various forms of woven crafts found in Labian Village, Batang Lupar District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. The data and information collection method is by interviews and observation, while determining respondents is by Purposive Sampling Technique. The results of the study found that there are 6 species of rattan utilized by the community in Labian Village as woven crafts, namely: Entibab rattan (Calamus blumei Becc), Tunggal rattan (Calamus rugosus Becc), Tapah rattan (Calamus axillaris Becc), Danan rattan (Korthalsia rigida Blumei), Kelik rattan (Daemonorops oligophylla Becc), and Lambang rattan (Plectocomiopsis wrayi Becc). The woven craft products produced were 12 product, namely Pemansai, Chair, Table, Floor Mat, Rack, pat the mattress, fruit basket, vegetable basket, movable food cover, Basket, tissue box, and bracelet.Keywords: Rattan Utilization, Woven Crafts, Labian Village.AbstrakPemanfaatan tumbuhan rotan bagi setiap daerah memiliki perbedaan baik dilihat dari segi spesies maupun kegunaannya, serta bentuk produk kerajianan yang dihasilkan dengan berbagai macam motif dan disaennya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan macam bentuk kerajinan anyaman yang terdapat di Desa Labian Kecamatan Batang Lupar Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Metode pengumpulan data dan informasi dengan wawancara dan observasi, sedangkan penentuan responden dengan Teknik Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian di dapatkan 6 jenis rotan yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat Desa Labian sebagai kerajinan anyaman yaitu: Entibab rattan (Calamus blumei Becc), Tunggal rattan (Calamus rugosus Becc), Tapah rattan (Calamus axillaris Becc), Danan rattan (Korthalsia rigida Blumei), Kelik rattan (Daemonorops oligophylla Becc), and Lambang rattan (Plectocomiopsis wrayi Becc. Produk kerajinan anyaman yang dihasilkan sebanyak 12 produk yaitu Pemansa, Kursi, Meja, Tikar, Rak, Tepuk Kasur, Keranjang Buah, Keranjang Sayur, Tudung Saji, Bakul, Kotak Tissu, dan Gelang Tangan.Kata kunci: Pemanfaatan Rotan, Kerajinan Anyaman, Desa Labian.

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