
The population that continues to increase and the limited land area causes a lot of land issuesin the community, the Rungkut area of Surabaya is one example of a region that has manyland problems. When the land buyer paid off the installments, there was a problem on the partof the developer that resulted in the master certificate being destroyed / lost, the poorfinancial condition caused the company to go bankrupt and eventually become bankruptbecause it had a lot of debt in the bank.In resolving land disputes, two routes can be taken,namely out of court (non-litigation) such as conducting consensus / mediation / arbitrationand through court proceedings (litigation) if the settlement with mediation or deliberationreaches no agreement and peace.Keywords: default, mediation, court.


  • the limited land area causes a lot of land issues in the community

  • When the land buyer paid off the installments

  • there was a problem on the part of the developer

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Latar Belakang Masalah Rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok hidup manusia dengan jumlah penduduk yang terus meningkat serta luas tanah yang terbatas banyak menimbulkan banyak persoalan di kalangan masyarakat pada umumnya. Kegiatan bisnis yang berbentuk badan hukum yang sering kita jumpai pada sekarang ini adaah suatu perusahaan pembangun perumahan disebut juga dengan pengembang properti atau property devopler. Pengembang properti atau property devopler akan melakukan pembangunan disektor properti seperti perumahan, apartemen dan rumah susun yang nantinya akan dipasarkan di masyarakat.

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