
In this research study, the authors describe the existence of educational institutions (madrasah Nizamiyah) and educational curricula in the Nizam Al-Mulk era. Nizam Al-Mulk with several of his madrasas had built a network of higher education institutions in his time, and he was the first to be able to do so. Even so, the Nizamiyah madrasa is not the first madrasa in the history of Islamic education. Because there have been many madrasas before the Nizam Al-Mulk era. The Nizamiyah madrasah learning system applies a classical learning system, in which a teacher stands in front of the classroom presenting lecture material. While the students sat and listened on the bench provided, then continued with dialogue (questions and answers) between the teacher and students. Furthermore, the madrasa curriculum in the Nizam Al-Mulk era was centered on the Qur'an, which included reading, memorizing and writing, Arabic literature, the history of the prophet Muhammad SAW, and counting, with an emphasis on the Shafi'i school and the Asy 'theological system. ariyah. Philosophy itself is not included as part of the curriculum at this time.

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