
Annonaceae produces small to large seeds. The size of seeds is closely related to the amount of food reserves that directly affect germination process. Cotyledons of the Annonaceae vary according to its exposure, position, or texture/function. This research aimed to determine the seed germination characters of 21 species of Annonaceae in Bogor Botanic Gardens. Twenty five to thirty seeds of each species were planted in a sand medium. First germination, germination rate and seedling functional types were observed and recorded. The result confirmed that Annonaceae seeds required varied time to germinate, i.e. fast, slow and delay germination. There were seven species included in the fast germination, 11 species slow germination and three species delayed germination. The earliest seed germination occurred at 24 days after sowing (DAS) ( Cananga odorata ), whereas the longest occurred at 212 DAS ( Platymitra macrocarpa ). The number of species with cryptocotylar cotyledon type was more than those of phanerocotylar cotyledons type (14 species and seven species, respectively). The epigeal cotyledons type found in 17 species that is higher than hypogeal cotyledon type (four species). Species with cotyledon reserve type were more than foliar cotyledons type (14 species and seven species, respectively). The proportion of seedling types PEF ( phanerocotylar-epigeal-foliaceous ), CER ( crypto-cotylar-epigeal-reservoir ) and CHR ( crypto-cotylar-hypogeal-reservoir ) were 33.33%, 47.62%, 19.05% respectively

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