This research, entitled “Historical Events and Characteristic of Japanese Society in Asakusa Bakuto Ichidai Novel by Saga Jun’Ichi”. The aim of this research is recognizing the historical events experienced by the Japanese community during the Taishou to Shouwa period, as well as the characteristics of the Japanese society described in the novel Asakusa Bakuto Ichidai. The research used descriptive method of abstraction. The theory used is the sociology of literature according to Laurenson. Based on the result of the analysis, the historical events experienced by Japanese society in the novel Asakusa Bakuto Ichidai are Ashio riot, World War I, Kanto earthquake, the death of Taishou Emperor, War Manchuria, rebellion by young officer, Abe Sada events, and World War II. The characteristics of Japanese society reflected in the novel Asakusa Bakuto Ichidai are to have a habit of respecting time, high morale (ganbaru), the tradition of giving each other gifts (okurimono), having a tradition that keeps the belief in Buddhism, the people who respect the Emperor, shame culture. Based on the strong character of having a hard-working soul and holding fast to tradition, it is known that the Japanese people quickly rise from adversity. It is proven by the success of Japanese society through various events, one of them is the World War II. The event of World War II is the most influential event for the Japanese society in the future.
This research, entitled “Historical Events and Characteristic of Japanese Society in Asakusa Bakuto Ichidai Novel by Saga Jun’Ichi”
The aim of this research is recognizing the historical events experienced by the Japanese community during the Taishou to Shouwa period, as well as the characteristics of the Japanese society described in the novel Asakusa Bakuto Ichidai
Based on the result of the analysis, the historical events experienced by Japanese society in the novel Asakusa Bakuto Ichidai are Ashio riot, World War I, Kanto earthquake, the death of Taishou Emperor, War Manchuria, rebellion by young officer, Abe Sada events, and World War II
Bakuto Ichidai ( 浅草 博徒一代 ) karya seorang penulis sekaligus dokter yaitu Junichi Saga merupakan sebuah novel yang memaparkan berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi seperti Gempa Kanto, hingga Perang Dunia II. Salah satu peristiwa besar yang berpengaruh bagi kehidupan masyarakat Jepang pada saat itu adalah gempa besar yang terjadi pada 1 September 1923 di wilayah Kanto yang meliputi Tokyo, Yokohama, dan perfektur-perfektur yang terdapat disekitarnya. Selain itu sebagian besar pabrik-pabrik yang ada di Tokyo dan Yokohama hancur, hal tersebut berdampak buruk pada perekonomian masyarakat pada masa itu (Azhari, 2011:45). Tidak hanya bidang ekonomi yang mendapat pengaruh dari peristiwaperistiwa yang terjadi sepanjang zaman Taishou (1912-1926) hingga zaman Shouwa (1926-1945). Kehidupan sosial masyarakat juga mendapat pengaruh besar dari peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi, hal tersebut berdampak pada perubahan perilaku masyarakat. Bagaimanakah peristiwa-peristiwa sejarah yang terjadi dalam novel Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dipaparkan, adapun rumusan masalah adapun rumusan masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Bagaimanakah peristiwa-peristiwa sejarah yang terjadi dalam novel
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