We examined the effects in male rats of bilateral transection of two nerves previously implicated in erectile function, the viscerocutaneous branch of the pelvic nerve (Vc) and the hypogastric nerve (HgN). In Experiment 1 (conducted in Storrs), males underwent simultaneous or successive section of Vc and HgN and were tested for copulation, reflexive erection, and noncontact erection (NCE), i.e. in response to remote cues from estrous females. NCE is considered to be analogous to `psychogenic' erection in humans, for which the HgN has been ascribed a significant role. In all three types of test, males had a moderate to severe deficit in erectile function after Vc transection. Section of HgN alone had no apparent pro- or anti-erectile effect in any context, nor did it affect the decrement resulting from Vc surgery. Regardless of treatment, all groups retained some erectile potential in each type of test. The loss of bladder function after Vc surgery and of seminal plug deposition after HgN section gave evidence that the targeted nerves were in fact severed. In Experiment 2 (conducted in Xalapa), males were tested only for NCE, but (a) they were tested every 3 days beginning 3 days after each surgery, (b) the interval between the two surgeries was more than 2 weeks, rather than 1 week as in Experiment 1, to allow more time for recovery from general effects of surgery and for hypothetical plasticity of neural function. In the first test after the first surgery, all groups had a modest reduction in the proportion of males displaying NCE, relative to sham-operated males. However, this deficit did not extend to measures of NCE latency or number, and was absent after the second test. After the second surgery, when all males except those with sham operations had both nerves cut, none of the groups exhibited a significant deficit in NCE, and all groups had at least one test in which at least half the males responded. Thus, (a) HgN section did not significantly impair NCE, reflexive erection, or copulation; (b) Vc section impaired, but did not eliminate, erection in all three contexts, but even those effects may be transient; and (c) transection of both nerves, simultaneously or successively, did not cause a greater impairment in erection than did cutting just the Vc. We infer that the HgN may have no pro-erectile role in erection in rats, even in a model analogous to psychogenic erection. The Vc is probably the most important nerve mediating pro-erectile function in NCE, as in reflexive erection and copulation, but this nerve may not be essential for erection in rats in any context, at least in some males.
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