
The present results showed that maarked and long-lasting changes in the subgingival microflora associated with periodontal disease could be achieved by a single course of periodontal treatment. Immediately following therapy, the total number of subgingival organisms decreased 10- to 100-fold and the proportions of cultivable Gram negative organisms and anaerobic organisms generally decreased 3- to 4-fold or more. After treatment, most periodontal pockets were populated by a scant microflora predominated by facultative Actinomyces and Streptococcus species. The kinetics of the subgingival bacterial recolonization revealed that the total cell counts and the proportions of spirochetes and Capnocytophaga species did not reach their pretreatment levels even after 6 months. Other Gram negative anaerobic species returned to pretreatment proportions after 3 to 6 months. Several Gram positive species exhibited higher posttreatment than pretreatment proportions throughout the 6 months study. The microbiological shifts paralleled significant changes in the clinical status of the periodontal tissues. Following therapy, the periodontal pocket depths decreased generally 1 to 4 mm, the gingival inflammatory index, the gingival fluid flow, and the suppurative index were generally lower, and nine of 33 test pockets examined showed apposition of alveolar bone. The microbiological and clinical changes described were exhibited by two patients treated with periodontal scaling and root planing alone and by two patients treated with the adjunctive use of systemic tetracycline therapy. In two other patients, mechanical periodontal therapy only slightly reduced the total number of subgingival organisms and the proportions of spirochetes and other Gram negative anaerobic rods. A shift in the subgingival microbial composition was achieved in these two patients after tetracycline therapy. The following model for treatment of periodontal disease is proposed: (1) Conventional therapy including thorough periodontal scaling and root planing; (2) Monitoring the subgingival flora and the clinical course; and (3) Use of antimicrobial therapy in refractory cases. Further studies are needed to develop means for rapid identification of refractory patients, and to determine the optimal antimicrobial agent, the optimal route of administration, and the optimal dosage regime.

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