
Loan sharks have an existence because loan sharks and borrower ecosystems are formed by mutual benefits, so research is conducted with the aim to discuss the influence of loan sharks on the socio-economic activities of the people of Bogor City. Despite having bad stereotypes in the eyes of the community, moneylenders have a special place among certain communities with a motive to meet their daily needs to meet secondary to tertiary needs because they offer unsecured soft loans compared to bank loan conditions that have to go through fairly complicated procedures. Research with descriptive qualitative type was carried out using a questionnaire method. Taking data using snowball sampling techniques and carried out on a sample of 211 people of the city of Bogor, with analysis techniques simple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that there is a very strong relationship between the socioeconomic activities of the community and activities carried out by moneylenders, where the largest economic activity for the allocation of education costs is the need and benefits of loan sharks.


  • Loan sharks have an existence because loan sharks and borrower ecosystems are formed by mutual benefits, so research is conducted with the aim to discuss the influence of loan sharks on the socio-economic activities of the people of Bogor City

  • The results of this study indicate that there is a very strong relationship between the socioeconomic activities of the community and activities carried out by moneylenders, where the largest economic activity for the allocation of education costs is the need and benefits of loan sharks

  • Muqtasid: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Perbankan Syariah, 9 (1): 14

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Praktek pelepas uang atau disebut rentenir merupakan kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan perorangan dalam memberikan kredit berupa uang tunai uang yang besarannya tertentu kemudian ditambahi dengan bunga (interest) sebagai tambahan atas perolehan dana tersebut. Hakekatnya rentenir merupakan profesi yang tidak berbeda dengan bank, khusus bank konvensional dalam pelayanan jasa pinjaman yang memberikan bunga sebagai ketentuan pengembalian. Dalam Penelitian Fauziah (2017) disebutkan bahwa citra buruk yang dimiliki rentenir sebagai lintah darat yang dari pinjaman nasabahnya mengambil bunga besar sekali, akan tetapi rentenir tetaplah laris di dalam masyarakat. Kredit dari rentenir inilah yang menguntungkan secara ekonomi, karena ketika mereka meminjam di bank sebagai lembaga finansial, syarat yang dibutuhkan sangatlah rumit (Haryanto, 2011). Rentenir akan memberikan pinjaman dengan persyaratan mudah dan tunai bagi masyarakat kecil yang tak memiliki jaminan untuk melakukan pinjaman ke bank dengan syarat-syarat yang begitu rumit. Meski tanpa jaminan warga dapat mendapat pinjaman tunai, hal ini diakui oleh beberapa warga yang akhirnya menyesal, karena sistem penagihannya yang tidak berprikemanusiaan dan total bunga yang kian hari makin berlipat ganda.

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