
The mistakes in the spectrum management have drive to a problem of the scarcity of spectrum,which can be solved through the use of Cognitive Radio (CR) technology. The main concept of CRtechnology allows unauthorized users (secondary users (SUs))for using the spectrum resources forcommunication without harm authorized users (primary users (PUs)).The traditional wireless networks,the nodes are connected based on a centralized infrastructure. But in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network(CRAHN) Networks, mobile SUs nodes are connected to each other without a central infrastructure.Routing in CRAHNs is an important and necessary process in CRAHNs. It faces many and variouschallenges. These challenges include PUs intervention, frequently dynamic topology, energyconsumption problems, unavailable channels, and fragile connections between nodes. The our probasedrouting protocol called A tree routing protocol for cognitive radio network (C-TRP) has utilized the treerouting algorithm with a spectrum management module in one routing decision module. In this paper,weevalute a performance of the tree routing protocol (C-TRP) under the influence of the different PUsactivity patterns with help of three performance metrics :hop count, the number of CR nodes and numberof available channels. The performance evaluation is evaluted using NS-2 simulator. Simulation resultsconfirm that C-TRP outperforms “spectrum-tree based on demand routing protocol for multi-hopcognitive radio networks”(STOD-RP), and Cognitive Tree-based Routing(CTBR) in terms of packetdelivery ratio and causes less harmful interference to PR nodes, and also less end-to-end delay in allprimary radio nodes activity patterns.

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