
Changing from the pre-weaning to the post-weaning period is a transition from liquid to solid feed accompanied by a dramatic transformation of the GI tract. Supplemental solid feeding of grazing post-weaning calves is expected to improve their productivity. The study aimed to determine the effect of extra diet on the performances of post-weaned Pasundan calves (15 males and 15 females) that were grazed, using a completely randomized design of 2x3 factorials (two sex factors x three diet factors). The diet treatments were that post-weaned Pasundan calves were grazed: without being given extra diets (grazing/control), extra diets without urea-impregnated zeolite (extra diet-1), and extra diets with urea-impregnated zeolite (extra diet-2). The parameters were diet consumption (only for extra diets, unmeasured grazing consumption), body weights, and body condition. The data were analyzed with GLM Univariate. The results showed: The interaction between diet treatment and sex did not affect all the observed parameters. Consumption of extra diet-1 (529.37±3.06 g DM/head/day) was higher (P0.05) than extra diet-2 consumption (525.17±1.96 g DM/head/day), but after a correction of body weight, the result was no different.  Sex factors did not affect all observed parameters. The ADG of post-weaned calves fed extra diet-1 (155.8±27.5 g), or extra-2 diet (124.2±56.3 g) was higher (P0.05) than the grazing (66.67±35.8 g). The extra diet-1 produced a higher change in body condition (1.8±0.78, P0.05) than extra diet-2 or grazing (1.2±0.42). In conclusion, feeding extra diet-1 to post-weaned Pasundan calves increased ADG by 234% and improved the body condition by 150% better than calves that were only grazed in an extensive grazing system.

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