
This article describes the origins of folk instruments orchestras in detail and their ability to perform in team performances. It is also noted that attention is paid to the range of musical instruments. Scholars ’opinions are often cited as expressing their views. The advantage of the scientific article is that it helps the public know that each band of the orchestra has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the technical and timbre-expressive capabilities of the instruments. The history of world civilization proves that people interact and develop their best traditions by influencing each other in various aspects, which in turn contributes to the development of a common culture. As a result of the socio-economic conditions, the cultural development relay has been shifting to the East and West regions in different historical periods. In 1935, a group of masters led by the renowned musician A.I. Petrosyan started work on radical improvement of the Uzbek national instruments to create a multi-sound orchestra. The sound lines of the dutar, tanbur, rubab, and dulcimer instruments with the height of the tonality were tempered and chromatically modified. Thus, the practical application of the principles of chromatisizm and temperament, the organization of musical families, the application of written traditions, the improvement of good problems, the solution of the repertoire has led to the formation of a new, multi-vocal team culture of national instruments in Uzbekistan. The melodic and meaningful tone of the music should be expressed through the meaningful movements of the future conductor's hands using the sounds of the orchestra. This requires the student to master the details of the selected work.

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