
Steel is one of materials that been used as a hull to build a ship. Steel are well known as strong, easy to fabricate and can withstand higher loading. Major problem for steel in shipbuilding are corrosion and marine fouling. Antifouling paint are applied at underwater hull paint to protect and slowing the microorganism growth, plant and animal that attached to the ship bottom hull. Important additive in antifouling paint known as Tributyltin (TBT) was previously observed good efficiency in prevent marine growth, however International Maritime Organization (IMO), in 2008 banned the usage of TBT due to abnormal growth of oyster shell. Thus, it is crucial to focus on an environmentally friendly antifouling paint and additive. Rosin modified paint is one of natural base of paint matrix that extract from pine tree. Performance of rosin modified with commercial biocide additive at various orientation are evaluate by referring to standard testing method on antifouling panels in shallow submergence. Rosin modified base observed good interaction with primer and steel substrate. Rosin modified antifouling (AF) coating for orientation 0º, 90º and 180º shows less than 4% marine growth after 30 days of immersion. AF coated at 0º and 90º -a orientation observe efficient protection with no marine growth occurred after 30 days of immersion.

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