
Direct-seeded rice (DSR), an innovative alternative to traditional transplanting, has gained popularity for its cost-effectiveness and labour-saving attributes. Weeds pose a significant threat to DSR. In this study, the effectiveness of various weed management methods, including hand weeding and herbicide applications, was evaluated. Hand weeding proved most effective in controlling weeds, while specific herbicides, such as bispyribac sodium + pyrazosulfuron (T2) and triafamone + ethoxysulfuron (T6) applied at 16 days after sowing (DAS), demonstrated superior weed control efficiency, improved growth parameters, and enhanced yield. Paspalum distichum was effectively controlled by penoxsulam + cyhalofop-butyl (T7). The study emphasizes the importance of customizing weed control to local conditions, with the choice of suitable herbicides and practices aligning with prevalent weed biotypes in the specific farming system. Understanding the nuanced impacts of post-emergence herbicides is crucial in navigating the intricate landscape of weed management in direct-seeded rice.

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