
This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture and work motivation on the performance of civil servants in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative study, using survey methods and distributing questionnaires to 31 respondents from the Regional Development Planning Agency (RDPA), Central Maluku Regency, through a census. The statistical method uses multiple regression analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics software version 20.0. The results of the study explain that motivation has no effect on employee performance. This condition implies that motivation needs to be encouraged and driven by the leadership so that employees want to work optimally. On the other hand, factors of communication, coordination, environment, achievement recognition, and mutual respect are needed to create comfortable working conditions for all parties. Meanwhile, organizational culture factors have a very positive effect on employee performance. These results prove that a strong organizational culture is the result of spreading trust and values that develop within an organization and directing employee behavior in the desired direction thereby increasing a sense of comfort and loyalty to the organization.

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