
The fresh leachate of municipal solid waste incineration plant (FLIP) has different characteristics from that of sanitary waste landfill plant (LSL), so attention should be paid to the development of FLIP treatment technology. This study proved that EGSB-Bardenpho process with massive effluent reflux could achieve better COD and TN removals. Through the reflux, the effluent organic matter (EfOM) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) could be further removed, thus improving the effluent quality. The effluent reflux effectively overcame the inhibition of ammonia nitrogen, and increased the COD removal of the process by about 7.8%, which was attributed to the additional 73% removal of EfOM. The average methane yield of EGSB reactor was 309 N ml·(g COD removed) −1 but the methane production did not timely reflect the state of the reactor. The inhibition threshold of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and free ammonia nitrogen (FAN) on the expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor was 250–360 and 7–10 mg N·L−1, respectively. 20% of the total influent entering the Bardenpho system could provide the carbon source enough for the denitrification when the TN removal rate was about 98%. In the case of 80% of the FLIP treated by the EGSB reactor, its contribution to the total system COD removal was approximately 71%. The presence of TAN appeared to promote the formation of cocci-dominated granular sludge in EGSB reactor.

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