This paper addresses the interconnection synthesis problem in microarchitecture-level designs. With emphasis on the speed of data movement operations, we propose algorithms that take into consideration the effect of each data-transfer-to-bus binding on the data transfer delay time. The delay time is calculated as a function of both data source load and data carrier (bus) load. By balancing loads among hardware components, the data transfer delay time (hence the total execution time) is shortened. We consider two types of problems: resource-constrained binding and performance-constrained binding. Two integer linear programming (ILP) formulations are derived to optimally solve the problems. In order to speed up the computation, a bipartite weighted matching method for the resource-constrained binding and a greedy merging method for the performance-constrained binding are also proposed. Both the ILP formulation generators and the heuristics have been programmed. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithms are indeed very effective in optimizing the performance aspect of the interconnection design. >
Published Version
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