
In developing countries, including India, biodiesel extracted from invalid feedstuffs such as Mahua, Jatropha, and Pongamia has been shown to be a viable alternative. The findings of the power output investigation and then the emission characteristics of Mahua biodiesel engines are discussed in this research. In this analysis, Mahua biodiesel and diesel blends of different proportions were packed analyzed against the output of diesel fuel and analyzed by means of a single diesel engine cylinder. The heat capacity, fuel consumption by brake, exhaust gas temperature, Co, Hc, No, and smoke releases are investigated. The main motto of present study of experiment is to improve the performance and reduced the exhaust emission characteristics of the compression ignition engine fuelled by mahua oil biodiesel fuel mixtures with low heat rejection (LHR) by coating of ceramic on engine parts and low- temperature combustion (LTC) done by EGR method, thus finding the optimum biodiesel blends for the diesel engine. This research studies focus on optimum NOx reduction ratio and observed the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine using low-temperature combustion with modified LTC + LHR engine and 5% ethanol blends. This study performs on improving efficient performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of diesel engine observation.

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