
This paper presents various aspects of propulsive performance of a dynamic azimuthing puller podded propulsor in open water condition derived from an experimental research. A model podded propulsor was instrumented to measure thrust, torque and rotational speed of the propeller, three orthogonal fo rces and moments, azimuthing angle and azimuthing rate of the unit. Experiments were carried out in which the azimuthing angle was varied dynamically at multiple azimuthing rates and propeller rotational speeds for different advance speeds. The model podded propulsor was capable of azimuthing or yawing continuously in the range of −180° to +180°, 0° (straight-ahead) being the design operating condition and positive azimuthing means a counter-clockwise rotation. The performance coefficients of the propeller and the pod unit showed a strong dependence on the propeller loading and azimuthing angle. The open water characteristics were mostly irregular for the astern thrust conditions in the azimuthing angle beyond the normal inflow condition and the fluctuation of the magnitude of the performance coefficients showed a considerable range. The azimuthing rate showed little or no effect on the performance coefficients in the range of azimuthing angles examined. Both at high and moderate propeller loading conditions, an increase in the shaft speed resulted in slight change in the performance coefficients and the change was more obvious as the azimuthing angle was increased. The increase in the performance coefficients due to the increase of propeller shaft speed was not noticeably affected by the change of azimuthing rate.

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