
This project work attempts to assess the performance appraisal exercise as carried out in Apex Printing Company Ltd. (APC). Performance appraisal aims at improving an organization's performance by enhancing an individual’s performance. It assesses individuals’ present and future performances. A good appraisal system recognizes the distinction between personal, traits and achievements. The achievements of an employee are the ultimate measure of his success or self-fulfillment. However, the person’s attitudes are sometimes contrivance he uses to achieve the results. The methodology employed in the research includes questionnaire administration and personal interviews. The population studied comprised the entire staff of APC, which is made up of 1800 comprising 350 members of senior and management staff and 1450 junior employees. The tests revealed that the company’s performance appraisal machinery is ineffective in evaluating the factual performance of its personnel due to several reasons, which include human bias in assessment. It has therefore been recommended among other things that the management of APC should embark on an immediate review of the entire appraisal machinery of the company and ensure that it is designed to achieve the purpose of assessing the true performance of employees.

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