
A species trial with 14 eucalypt species with randomized complete blocks design was planted on Imperata cylindrica dominated grassland in South Kalimantan, Indonesia in January 1987. The site was prepared mechanically. No fertilizers were used. At the age of three years E. camaldulensis had clearly the highest survival rate (95%) and mean annual increment (5.9 m3ha−1a−1) compared with the other species tried. It was followed by E. urophylla, E. deglupta, E. pellita, E. tereticornis, E. alba, E. torelliana, E. intermedia, E. grandis and E. pilularis. Four other species, E. phaeotricha, E. resinifera, E. cloeziana and E. microcorys died either in the nursery or immediately after planting. All the eucalypts tried had narrow crowns and open canopies. It is suggested that eucalypts are not recommendable for grassland reforestation under minimum plantation tending. Effects of intensive weeding, spacing, fertilizing and performance in second rotation or mixed stands should be tested to elaborate the suitability of eucalypts on grasslands.

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