
The study was conducted to evaluate GE interactions of sorghum genotypes over locations and years for genetically potential sorghum germplasm lines. Their performance for grain yield was evaluated for three consecutive years at three locations in western part of Ethiopia, particularly in Benishangul Gumuze region where sorghum is widely grown. Combined mean analyses were computed after using Anderson-Darling normality test and Levene homogeneity test. The combined analysis of variance revealed that genotype by year (G×Y), genotype by location (G×L) and genotype by year by location (G × Y × L) interactions significantly affected the performance of genotypes. The result of ANOVA indicated that G6, G1, G2 and G5 were the most high yielding genotypes. The most stable and high performance genotypes were G1 and G6 which are recommended to be released. The analysis of GGE for genotypes tested at different environments for the yield performance in an environment was a mixed effect of genotype main effect (G), environment main effect (E) and genotype by environment interaction (G × E). It was indicated that the two principal components (PC1 and PC2) were used to create a two dimensional GGE biplot that accounted percentage of 23.98 and 68.45 per cent, respectively, of sums of squares of the GE interactions. According to GGE biplot analysis, G6 and G1 were better in performance and stability. The study revealed that GGE biplot graphically displays interrelationships between the tested locations as well as genotypes comparison.

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