
Wearable device has grown in popularity in recent years. This
 article presents the performance of smart shoes as a biomedical
 device that can be used to capture heart rate signals from the
 dorsalis pedis artery on the leg. In general, heart rate is measured
 from the arteries located in the chest, hands, fingertips, and ears or
 neck. Even though the pulse from the dorsalis pedis has a smaller
 amplitude compared to other arterial locations, the sensor is
 integrated on smart shoes can catch the signal from the dorsalis
 pedis pulse. Research is intended to analyze lifetime and accuracy
 smart shoes. The experiment was carried out by 30 healthy male
 and female volunteers aged 20-25 years. The results obtained
 indicate that the sensor smart shoes can measure the dorsalis pedis
 pulse and has an average error rate of 9.28% compared to a digital
 sphygmomanometer. Based on the results of energy consumption
 analysis,smart shoes in this study has a lifetime of up to 25.86 hours
 using a 1100 mAh battery.

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