
Data compression was born as a solution to human needs for digital data. This research compares two compression algorithms, namely the Start-Step-Stop code algorithm and Gopala-Hemachandra codes 2 (GH-2 (n)) algorithm in the case of text file compression. compression ratio (CR), space savings (SS), bit rate and running time are calculated in the test as consideration to compare the advantages of both algorithms. Tests carried out using homogeneous strings, heterogeneous strings and artificial corpus. In homogeneous string compression, both algorithms have the same advantages because the value of CR, SS and bit rate are the same for each number of strings used. From the time of compression, Start-Step-Stop algorithm faster than the Gopala-Hemachandra algorithm. Testing of heterogeneous strings found that the Start-Step-Stop algorithm is superior to the Gopala-Hemachandra algorithm because it can save more storage space.

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