
The growing requirement towards bigger storage space is the main cause of new compression techniques being developed. By doing compression, big chunks of data will be lowered in size to save storage space. In this research we will be using the Even-Rodeh Code and Fibonacci Code Algorithm, the performance will be benchmarked with bitrate, compression ratio, space saving, compression and decompression time in text files. Compression is done by reading strings on text files, and then the Even-Rodeh Code and Fibonacci Code Algorithm makes a string code and performs compression. The compression results are *.erc and *.fib files containing character information and string bit which can be decompressed. The decompression result is the original text file which can be saved using the extensions *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf. In this system test the sample used are strings that contains one type of character (Homogen String) and strings that contain several types of character (heterogeneous string) saved in text files *.doc,*.docx, *.pdf. In homogeneous string compressions we can observe that the Fibonacci Code is more efficient in compression ratio, averaging at 0.25 and faster decompression time at 0.011 millisecond average compared to the Even-Rodeh Code Algorithm. In heterogeneous string compression the Fibonacci Code performs better than the Even-Rodeh Code on an average compression ratio of 0.65 and a shorter average decompression time of 0.293 milliseconds.

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