
From many years to the present, people have used strong copies of degree certificates as proof of graduation. But in recent days, due to advanced technology, these certificates have been forged. As a result, undeserving people get job opportunities, which tarnish the image of these paper certificates. Therefore, overcoming such certification problems using blockchain technology is encouraged. Blockchain is a system of storing information that makes it difficult or impossible to repair, hack a system, ad save paper costs. With the help of the blockchain, an anti-forge, fixed, electronic-certified electronic certificate is produced. Students will not be able to manipulate the content of e certificates. The function of this system is that: a computer file (e-file) of the certificate i.e. The institution produces the electronic certificate At the same time, that student's record is kept in blockchain blocks using hash values. The hash value is generated from the interplanetary file system (IPFS) network. Accompanying electronic certificate, associated unique serial number (unique id) were also given to the applicant. The searching system (e.g. The Company the applicant applied for) can verify the authenticity of the electronic file using a unique hash value based on the data stored in the blockchain. The proposed method improves the performance concerning storage and speed.

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