
In the current supply chain, there are several phoney items. It is vital to have a system in place that allows end users to examine all data about the goods they are purchasing in order to determine whether the product is authentic or not. Blockchain technology is a network of peer-to- peer nodes that keep a record of transactions, also known as blocks, and commonly referred to as "chains" in various databases. This type of storage is sometimes referred to as "digital ledge." It has a distributed file system and immutable properties. IPFS (Inter Planetary File System), a Distributed Web File System, is used by our system to track product ownership. IPFS is more helpful than http because it can efficiently distribute large amounts of data and does not allow duplication. IPFS and the Blockchain have a lot in common. IPFS allows you to handle large amounts of data and embed immutable, persistent IPFS links in blockchain transactions. This protects and time stamps your content without having to place the data on the chain. The system keeps track of the product's maker, how ownership changes, and allows customers to see who is the current owner of the goods. Customers will be given a Graphical user interface (GUI) to scan QR codes associated with products, and information about those products will be shown. KEYWORDS – Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), Blockchain, supply chain, QR code.

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