
The limitation of mineral land as a productive land makes some people expand oil palm cultivation to peat land in marginal class conditions (Class S3). The expansion of oil palm plantations into peatlands is accompanied by Government Regulation No. 57 of 2016 concerning Protection and Management of Peat Ecosystems. The regulation has a positive effect to protect and restore the hydrological function of peat, but also affects the management of oil palm cultivation. The limitation of peatlands also makes some people switch to using the highlands as a form of agricultural and plantation extensification. Planting oil palms in the highlands is a form of expansion of oil palm cultivation that is limited due to lack of sufficient land availability. It is necessary to carry out technical culture and cost requirements that are "more" in order to obtain the same production resembling the treatment of oil palm technical culture in very suitable class land conditions (Class S1). Some state-owned companies have planted oil palms in the highlands. Some state-owned plantation sites have even been converted to oil palm from other plantation crops. This will certainly be very different if done by farmers (smallholders) who are in the highlands. Farmers' knowledge of technical culture and the high amount of funds that will be used to cultivate oil palms are an inhibiting factor other than marginal land class.


  • The limitation of mineral land as a productive land makes some people expand oil palm cultivation to peat land in marginal class conditions (Class S3)

  • Planting oil palms in the highlands is a form of expansion of oil palm cultivation that is limited due to lack of sufficient land availability

  • It is necessary to carry out technical culture and cost requirements that are "more" in order to obtain the same production resembling the treatment of oil palm technical culture in very suitable class land conditions (Class S1)

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Luas Lahan Kelapa Sawit di Empat Kecamatan

B. Luas Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Belum menghasilkan berikut : Hasil pengamatan Luas lahan tanaman kelapa sawit di empat kecamatan dengan luas yang berbeda selama 5 tahun yang telah berlalu dapat dilihat pada tabel 1 sebagai berikut : Tabel 1. Perkembangan Luas lahan Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan (TBM) kelapa sawit di empat Kecamatan dari tahun 2013-2017. 3.40 5.00 c d 5.80b 6.20 a Keterangan : Notasi huruf yang sama pada kolom yang sama berbeda tidak nyata pada taraf. Dari table 1 dapat dilihat tanaman belum sedangkan paling kecil di kecamatan Siempat menghasilkan sejak tahun 2013 sampai 2017 Nempu Hulu dengan rata-rata 3.4 Ha, manakala mengalami perubahan perluasan yang tidak Kecamatan Siempat Nempu dan Siempat nyata namun sedikit perluasan dari tahun 2016 Nempu Hilir berada keluasan ditengah rata-rata dengan luas TBM keempat kecamatan yang 5.0 dan 5.8 ha. Diteliti rata-rata 4.75 Ha ke 2017 menjadi ratarata 5.5 Ha

Luas Tanaman Kelapa Sawi
Produksi Tanaman Kelapa Sawit di empat kecamatan sejak 2013 sampqi 2017
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