
Village-owned enterprises (BUM Desa) are trained as an effort to accommodate all activities in the economic sector and/or public services managed by the Village and/or inter-Village cooperation. This study aims to evaluate the performance of BUM Desa in Lumajang Regency. The BUM Desa that is evaluated based on the recommendation from the Lumajang Regency Government is the BUM Desa Semeru Lestari which is located in Pasrujambe Village, Pasrujambe District, Lumajang Regency, East Java Province. The criteria evaluated in this study are BUM Desa's financial performance, performance from a customer perspective, performance from internal business processes, and performance from a growth and learning perspective. Data were analyzed descriptively and used the FFA (Force Field Analysis) approach. The results showed that overall BUM Desa Semeru Lestari had good financial performance, had good performance from a customer perspective, had good performance from the perspective of internal business processes, and had good performance from a growth and learning perspective. The conclusion of this study is that there are key factors driving (D) the development of BUM Desa, namely the business unit already has SOP, while the key inhibiting factor (H) of developing BUM Desa is that it has not been able to develop the potential of the area as a business unit due to limited capital. The recommendation given is to strengthen the support of the Village Government related to capital participation for BUM Desa and to develop business partnerships with various business institutions (companies), both with a plasma nucleus scheme and subcontracting.

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