
Introduction: Facing COVID-19 pandemic challenges Brazil on taking actions to deal with the installed health crisis, and to choose which interventions are more efficient and effective with the problems arising from the new disease. This picture of uncertainties has led to health research financing actions, which aim at scientific and technological improvement, supporting evidence-based decision making. Objective: To map the health research funding opportunities to face the COVID-19 in Brazil, in terms of priority areas, funding sources and financial volumes. Methods: We search public sources to map documents related to the promotion of research and innovation in health, with public and private sectors. We conducted a survey directly on the websites of public research institutions and an unsystematic search to identify private financing, and categorized objects of the financing notice and calls identified in large areas and specific topics. Results: We found 23 financing opportunities focusing on the combat of COVID-19 pandemic, covering 20 different financing agents in a total amount of BRL 337,460,612.00. Five public institutions finance 75.0% of the resources. Conclusions: Despite the small amount of resources, there was an effort to promote health R&D in a timely manner, mainly by federal public agencies, with emphasis on CAPES and CNPq. The most contemplated areas were the inputs needed to face COVID-19 (diagnostic tests, medical equipment and devices, medicines, vaccines and biological products) and telecommunication and information technologies. However, the contributions covered practically all the important areas for knowledge, prevention and treatment of the disease. It is noteworthy that health R&D in Brazil has had its resources significantly reduced since 2015.


  • Facing COVID-19 pandemic challenges Brazil on taking actions to deal with the installed health crisis, and to choose which interventions are more efficient and effective with the problems arising from the new disease

  • Results: We found 23 financing opportunities focusing on the combat of COVID-19 http://www.visaemdebate.incqs.fiocruz.br/

  • Para ver uma cópia desta licença, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.pt_BR

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Equipamentos e dispositivos médicos

Desenvolvimento de ventiladores/respiradores, peças, monitores, outros insumos para fabricação de equipamentos e dispositivos médicos. Abrange estudos de terapêuticas já existentes para outras indicações.

Aplicação das TIC Telemedicina
Sistemas de saúde
Desenvolvimento de cenários e modelagens
Caracterização da doença e sua história natural
Impactos socioeconômicos
Total Geral
Objetivo central
Instrumento não identificado*
Fomentos que não se encaixem nas categorias acima
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