
Leadership have multiple directions through that directions we can view leadership Fielder (1967), Keith (1977), Bowers and Seashore (1966). Pakistan’s overall political and regional instability since the day of independence (1947) is partly due to poor leadership skills and overall weak structure of leadership. One may easily visualize that qualities of an organization could not be achieved unless leaders are vigilant, intelligent, hardworking, goal oriented, persistent, determined, and highly motivated to establish a strong sense of teamwork with great vision, while having good and healthy relationships with their employees, being conscious of high moral values and ethical standards. This research paper will identify the strongly emphasized traits of leaders demanded by the young generation of Pakistan and will identify the weak or negative traits that are either nonessential for a leader or the least important ones especially at present stage. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n2p543

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