
The objective of this article was to analyze the perception of the students of the Human Capital Administration career on the return to face-to-face classes to determine the impact of COVID-19 to implement information strategies in future scenarios. A descriptive and explanatory design was used, as well as a type of crosssectional study. 240 students collaborated, of which only 212 were required according to the sample size. The following variables were considered: Perception of risk, lifestyle, interpersonal relationships, use of ICTs, emotional support, and economy, which comprises 36 items distributed in seven blocks. The results obtained managed to identify the perception of the students in relation to the training strategies in times of pandemic, the strengths and weaknesses were distinguished, for the achievement of the competencies of the career, as well as the emotional, psychological, social, technological impact., economical, and familiar that the students experienced. Finally, this was a search among the same students of the career, where their experiences marked by the health event were known. This project provided listening and awareness with the student community.

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